Know Your Rights

Rock Valley College does not tolerate sexual violence or harassment of any kind under any circumstances. Any individual who sexually assaults or harasses another is subject to the disciplinary procedures of the College, and civil and criminal laws as they may pertain. The College expects its members to educate themselves about such behavior and be vigilant in protecting the right to an environment free of sexual harassment and violence. Allegations of any act that has the purpose or effect of unreasonable or substantially interfering with an individual’s safety, security, educational opportunities or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational or work environment will be investigated and appropriate sanctions will be applied.

If this is an emergency, dial 911. For non-emergencies, contact RVC Police.

Submit a Report or Complaint

Sexual Assault is defined as both non-consensual sexual intercourse or any non-consensual sexual contact whether anal, oral, vaginal, above or below clothing, however slight, with any object by any person, regardless of sexual orientation, gender expression, or identity, upon any other person, regardless of sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, without consent.

The person initiating the sexual contact must gain consent from the other person involved in the sexual act before any sexual activity takes place. Consent is clear, unambiguous, affirmative, and mutually understood permission and agreement for each level of increased intimacy from holding hands to intercourse.

Violence in relationships is any pattern of behavior used to coerce, dominate, or isolate one’s intimate partner, ex-partner, or family member. It can involve physical, emotional, and /or sexual abuse. Relationship violence typically cycles; from a tension-building period (abused partner works harder to avoid escalation of conflict, anxiety increases), to an explosive period (physical, sexual, verbal assaults), to a honeymoon period (violent partner apologizes, promises, never to do it again, showers the abused partner with affection). Because of the isolation, fear, and denial that often accompany an abusive relationship, it can be very difficult for an abused partner to leave a relationship.

In general, behavior is considered sexual harassment when:

  • Submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or academic success or
  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or academic decisions affecting such individuals or
  • The conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or sexually offensive educational or work environment.

Contact Us

  • Luevinus Muhammad
  • Dean of Students and Title IX Coordinator
  • (815) 921-4284
  • RVC Main Campus
    CLI, 1109 (temporary)
  • Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Additional Resources


Access the College Catalog for additional resources and existing procedures related to Title IX.