Testing Center
Testing Services
The Testing Center provides various types of testing for placement, courses, certifications, credit for prior learning, program admission, accommodations for students with disabilities, and for community residents enrolled at other colleges/universities. A valid, physical government or school-issued photo ID is required for all testing; photocopies or digital versions are not accepted.
Placement Testing
All new students interested in enrolling in credit classes are required to meet placement requirements prior to registering for credit courses and must submit a completed application to RVC prior to testing.
Contact Us
- Testing Center
- (815) 921-2380
- RVC-Testing-Center@RockValleyCollege.edu
- RVC Main Campus
Student Center, Ground Floor - Placement Testing: Schedule a placement testing appointment via The Nest.
- Classroom, Make-Up, & Accommodated Testing (Hours subject to change during class breaks.):
Monday, Thursday, & Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday & Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Note: Classroom testing must end by 3 p.m. on Friday. - By appointment, all other testing will follow the hours above. Note: Testing Center office hours may change due to holidays and inclement weather. Please contact the Testing Center for updated hours of operation.
Credit for Prior Learning
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) can provide you with the opportunity to receive credit for these past learning experiences, save money on tuition, and accelerate the completion of your educational goals.

Additional Testing Services
We also offer program-specific testing and proctoring services:
Testing Guidelines
Academic honesty is expected of all our students. Please review our Academic Integrity statement in the college catalog.
The following guidelines have been established:
- A valid, physical government or school-issued photo ID is required for all testing; photocopies or digital versions are not accepted.
- Students should come into the Testing Center knowing the name of the instructor and class
- For academic make-up testing, arrangements must be made with the instructor prior to arrival at the Testing Center
- Tests cannot be started within 1/2 hour of closing
- All electronic devices must be stored in provided locker
- Books, notes, and other test aids not approved by the instructor must be stored in provided locker
- Snacks or drinks are not permitted in the testing areas
- Children are not allowed into any testing areas
- Students suspected of cheating or violating an instructor's examination instructions will be reported to the appropriate authority
- Unless specified by the instructor, any exam must be completed in one sitting
- Students should check their RVC email accounts for instructor changes to the examination deadline or requirements prior to arrival at the Testing Center
- Students should be prepared to lock up all personal items. Personal items include, but are not limited to: hats with a brim, all electronics devices, wearable technology, head phones, purses, covers to calculators, backpacks, and all food and drinks.
- Tests/quizzes are normally administered during the time the student's class is taking the test/quiz, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
- Students are responsible for notifying their instructor(s) regarding the delivery of each test/quiz to the Testing Center.
The Testing Center will have scratch paper, pencils, and a limited supply of calculators available. If you require the use of a computer to complete your exam (instructor approval required), they are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
To schedule a testing appointment, contact the Testing Center at least three days in advance of your test. Please provide the test date, time, course name, and instructor name.