
RVC Student Receives Kyle D. Mitchell Mathematics Award

The Rock Valley College Mathematics Department is proud to announce Emma Knabe as the recipient of the Kyle D. Mitchell Award for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Emma Knabe pictured with the 2023 Kyle D. Mitchell Award Plaque

Emma Knabe pictured with the 2023 Kyle D. Mitchell Award Plaque

This award is given annually to an outstanding mathematics student who has demonstrated dedication and excellence in the study of mathematics, in honor of Kyle Mitchell, a former student who maintained a 4.0 GPA and was a member of Phi Theta Kappa and the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.

Emma has earned high grades in all her math classes and has participated in many activities, including Phi Theta Kappa, tutoring through the tutoring center at RVC, tutoring at Kumon Learning Center, substitute algebra teacher for a homeschool co-op, and an assistant middle school ultimate frisbee coach. She has graduated from RVC and is planning on pursuing mathematics at UW-La Crosse in the fall. “I was raised in a home where math and science were greatly encouraged,” said Emma. “I don’t know how far I will go in math, but my goal is to go as far as I can. The last semester has been my favorite because I really found how much I love teaching math.”

Her professor, Dr. Paul McCombs concluded, “I think she has been a real help to the students she has helped in class and in the tutoring center. She is very determined, a very hard worker, academically serious, and is very personable, responsible as well as genuinely kind.”

The Kyle D. Mitchell Award was created and funded by the mathematics department to honor the memory of Kyle Mitchell, who was planning on attending the University of Illinois and majoring in Agricultural Engineering before his untimely passing. Kyle was remembered as a student who went the extra mile, always searching for the best solution to a problem, and was always willing to help others.

Emma's name is engraved on a plaque that hangs on the wall by the Math Lab. She’s also receiving a plaque to take home, and a check for $750.00. Congratulations to Emma!