Aneri Mehta is Building a Bright Future at Rock Valley College
Aneri Mehta chose to attend Rock Valley College because it gave her the opportunity to pursue her interests in biology and have a balanced lifestyle with education and extracurricular activities.

Aneri Mehta, Running Start student at RVC
She is enrolled as a Dual Credit/Running Start student working towards an Associate of Science degree and an Associate of Arts degree.
As a junior in high school and a first-year student at RVC, Aneri was very confused by classes and the curriculum during the first few months at RVC. However, with the help of the Running Start Club, she met other students in the same program. They created a close bond and shared their hardships and fun times. They planned events such as a tour of UIC and a senior send-off of Running Start Students. Having a helping hand throughout the year made it go by a lot easier.
"Rock Valley College is a great place to get a head start on your college experience,” said Aneri. “I have grown educationally and also learned how to maturely handle situations that may arise at my 4-year university. Without the help of my advisors and teachers, my experience would have been completely different. I love the feeling of at RVC."
Aneri faced challenges in some of her classes but discovered the Math Lab to be an invaluable resource on campus. Struggling with the concepts in Calculus 1, she began visiting the center almost daily. There, she worked through additional practice problems with friends and received personalized help from professors. Thanks to her consistent efforts and the support she received, Aneri not only mastered the material but also earned an A in the class.
On campus, Aneri is involved in the Running Start Club [Secretary (23-24)]. At her home school, Auburn High School, she is involved in Key Club [(Secretary (23-24), Vice President & Lieutenant Governor of District 12 East (24-25)], HOSA, NHS & Volleyball (D/S and Libero for 8 years). Along with extracurricular activities, she also co-founded Art Tuesdays with the Boys and Girls Club of America, where they teach children a form of Art every week and a life skill. She has also interned at UIC Rockford, researching the effects of two drugs (Napabucasin and NCX 40-40) on prostate cancer cells with the help of her mentor.
Jennifer Nordstrom, Early College Coordinator sees Aneri as very motivated and forward thinking. “She sets a high bar for herself and has many achievements in and out of the classroom,’ said Jennifer. “She is heavily involved in extra-curricular activities at her high school, Rock Valley, and in the community. She frequently takes on leadership roles and expertly balances her co-curriculars with her academics. She consistently demonstrates her understanding of the value of teamwork and service to others.”
Allison Taylor, Dual Credit Pathways Specialist and Running Start Club Co-Advisor worked closely with Aneri during her time as Secretary of Running Start Club, and her drive and ambition became evident very quickly. “Aneri is an incredibly focused student who takes a proactive approach to her studies and extra-curricular involvement on and off campus,” said Allison.”With multiple leadership experiences for clubs at Auburn High School and RVC, Aneri has consistently demonstrated her willingness to learn, grow, and step out of her comfort zone to gain new skills. Aneri’s positive energy and optimism are contagious, and she has been a joy to work with!”
Aneri's educational goal is to attend a four-year university and major in Biology, Genetics/Genomics, Microbiology, or Immunology. She also plans to obtain her master's in one of these areas and minor in business and economics. Once exposed to the field, she will choose her occupation.
"RVC/Running Start/Dual credit is an amazing program and opportunity everyone should experience, said Aneri. “ I have learned so many tips and tricks over the past year that I would have been unknown if I continued the traditional high school experience, making me more confident and comfortable applying to a 4-year university. It might be scary at first, but everyone on campus is here to support you and make you successful. So have fun, make new friends, and never say no to the opportunities presented to you."
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