Safety Training & Resources
Current Resources Available
The Rock Valley College Police Department presents this Practical Response to Active Shooter training video. This video is meant to educate you on the options available to you during an active shooter incident. You must use your own discretion during an active shooter event as to whether you choose to run to safety, remain in place, or, as a last resort, fight back.
Rock Valley College has invested in software that allows us to keep track of all the chemicals stored at our campus locations and provide information about these chemicals to employees. The program is called MSDS Online. With this software employees or students may look up a location and see what chemicals are used and the safety precautions associated with the chemical.
View the Rock Valley College Database
A material safety data sheet (MSDS), safety data sheet (SDS) or product safety data sheet (PSDS) is an important component of occupational safety and health (OSHA). It is intended to provide workers and emergency personnel with procedures for handling or working with a substance in a safe manner, and includes information such as physical data (melting point, boiling point, flash point, etc.), toxicity, health effects, first aid, reactivity, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill-handling procedures. MSDS formats can vary from source to source within a country depending on national requirements.
An SDS for a substance is not primarily intended for use by the general consumer, focusing instead on the hazards of working with the material in an occupational setting.
Who are CSAs?
- Officials with significant responsibility for student and campus activities
- A campus police or security department
- Individuals who have responsibility for campus security
- Individuals or offices designated to receive crime reports
Examples of CSAs:
- Resident Assistants
- Residence Life Staff
- Greek Life Advisors
- Coaches & Athletic Directors
- Dean of Students
- Faculty Advisors to Student Groups
Who are not CSAs?
- Faculty who do not have responsibilities outside of the classroom
- Campus physicians or nurses whose only responsibility is to provide care to students
- Pastoral or professional counselors acting in those specific roles
CSA Responsibilities
- If someone tells you about a crime or an incident that might be a crime, you must report it to your institution’s designated office or an official responsible for collecting Clery report information.
- Share the information as related by the person.
- When in doubt, report.
- Tell the person who disclosed the crime to you that you must share the information.
- Help connect the person to available options and resources within the institution.
How do I report?
Fill out the Campus Security Authority Reporting Form and return it to the appropriate person listed on the form.
Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act
Effective Monday, October, 28, 2002, a new Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act went into effect. This is in conjunction with the federal law enacted on October 28, 2000, that provides for the tracking of convicted sex offenders enrolled at or employed by institutions of higher education.
The act amends the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children Act and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act to require sex offenders already required to register in a state to provide notice, as required under state law, of each institution of higher education in that state at which the person is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a student.
This act also amends the Jeanne Clery Act to require institutions of higher education to issue a statement, in addition to other disclosures required under that act, advising the campus community where law enforcement agency information provided by a state concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained.
The Illinois State Police provides a listing of sex offenders required to register in the state of Illinois. The database is updated daily and can be found at:
The RVC Police Department also maintains a sex offender list that lists all known sex offenders that are students and employees at Rock Valley College. This sex offender list is available for viewing at the RVC Police Department on the main campus, the information center at the Student Center, the RVC Police Department office at the Stenstrom Center for Career Education, and RVC Downtown. You may call (815) 921-4357 for more information.
Effective January 1, 2012, registered sex offenders must complete an Illinois Sex Offender Registration Act – Institutions of Higher Education Employment/Student Information Form (ISP 5-695) with the agency of jurisdiction in which they reside (Police or Sheriff's Department that serves their home residence), the agency of jurisdiction in which they are attending an Institution of Higher Education (Rockford Police Department), and at the Institution of Higher Education (Rock Valley College Police Department). Sex offenders who fail to properly register their status as a student or employee at an institution of higher education are in violation of the Illinois Sex Offender Registration Act and face arrest for a Class 3 Felony. They also face disciplinary actions up to and including suspension or termination of student/employee status. Sex offenders with questions about this registration requirement should call (815) 921-4357.
Lastly, the act amends the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) to clarify that nothing in the act may be construed to prohibit an educational institution from disclosing information provided to the institution concerning registered sex offenders; and requires the Secretary of Education to take appropriate steps to notify educational institutions that disclosure of this information is permitted.
Did you know?
- Full-time college students age 18 to 22 are more likely than non-enrolled students to binge or drink heavily (2011).
- Among young women in college, binge drinking is a risk factor for sexual assault. 31 percent of college students met criteria for a diagnosis of alcohol abuse and 6 percent for a diagnosis of alcohol dependence in the past 12 months; self-report survey.
- A law effective on January 1, 2012, made possession of any chemical like K2 illegal to sell, purchase, or use in Illinois.
Alcohol and Other Drugs:
- Alcohol: Depressant; Long-term effects – heart disease, cancer, liver, and brain damage, pancreatitis.
- Bath Salts: A stimulant; one of the latest designer drugs, illegal in Illinois but legal in most states. Long-term effects – fairly new drug, no long-term effects recorded in humans.
- Marijuana: Cannabis, is the most widely available and used illegal drug in the U.S.
- K2 Herb: (synthetic cannabis). Long term-effects, still being studied, none recorded in humans.
- Nicotine: Long-term effects – lung disease and other health concerns. In Illinois, tobacco use claims 16,600 lives and costs the state $4.1 billion in health care bills each year.
Did you know a drug conviction could impact your student financial aid? Keep your mind and body clear of alcohol and other drugs so you can make more informed choices.
Have you ever asked yourself what you should do if there was an armed attacker on campus?
- Surviving is the objective! Nothing is a 100% guarantee to keep you from being hurt.
- Doing something will increase your chance of survival.
- Doing nothing may increase your chances of being a victim.
Options to consider:
- Your best option is to evacuate or escape the area if it is safe to do so. Get as much room between you and the attacker as possible.
- If the attacker is close or blocking the area of escape, the best option may be to
lock the door of the room you are in, shut off the lights and pile furniture in front
of the door. Move to an area of the room that cannot be seen from the door. Now, while
you are hiding in the room, alone or with others, make a plan. What will you do if
the attacker forces their way into the room?
- Throw whatever items are available at the attacker such as: books, book bags, etc.
- Make noise, don’t stand still, and try to escape if you can.
- Fight and attack if given the opportunity
- Last resort, whether alone or with a group; if all else fails, fight and attack.
If it feels like harassment it probably is, but how do you know for sure and what can you do about it?
At Rock Valley College we are committed to providing an environment free from sexual harassment, sexual violence, and discrimination. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities operated by recipients of federal financial assistance.
If you, or a peer, are a victim of sexual harassment, sexual violence, or discrimination you are encouraged to seek the assistance of RVC Title IX Coordinator, Dean of Students, Terrica Huntley.
The Title IX coordinator will:
- Discuss your options if you feel you or a friend have been a victim of sexual harassment, sexual violence, or discrimination.
- Investigate reports and provide remedies, or administrative measures, to help stop the behavior.
- Answer questions about RVC policies and procedures.
Contact Us
- Luevinus Muhammad
- Dean of Students and Title IX Coordinator
- (815) 921-4284
- RVC Main Campus
CLI, 1109 (temporary) - Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
What does BIT do?
- Coordinates a response to concerning and distressed behavior with the intent to provide the appropriate assistance. Contact BIT online, in-person, or by phone.
- Is designed to encourage a supportive, resourceful, and safe environment for the RVC community.
- Will respond quickly to referrals, however, if an immediate response is needed, contact RVC Police by calling 9-1-1.
What should I share/refer?
Any concerning or distressed behaviors that you feel should be brought to the attention of BIT or an RVC staff member.
Who can make a referral?
Anyone in the RVC community (students, faculty, staff, self-referral)
How and where do I make a referral?
Complete an online referral form or call the BIT at (815) 921-4270.
College is a time of meeting new people, exploring relationships and learning how to set healthy boundaries. Sometimes relationships can become controlling. There are signs/red flags that indicate an unhealthy relationship, and tips for protecting yourself.
Red Flags: jealousy, blaming, quick attachment, need to control, putting conditions on the relationship, humiliation, belittling, and intimidation.
Tips to getting out of a controlling relationship: set boundaries, be clear, and be decisive.
If your gut tells you something is wrong it probably is. Get help. Sometimes talking to someone else can help you recognize red flags. At RVC you can contact the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) at (815) 921-4270, an RVC counselor at (815) 921-4091, the college's Title IX Coordinator at (815) 921-4187, or the RVC Police Department at (815) 921-4357 to learn about your options and available resources.
Did you know? Most crimes committed at RVC are crimes of opportunity performed in less than 60 seconds – usually thefts. Protect your valuables!
Don’t leave your laptop unattended while you use the rest room. Keep track of your backpacks and text books and purses. A small percentage of people are just waiting for the opportunity to profit from your carelessness. Don’t let them!
Be aware of your surroundings. There are over 77 blue emergency phones on campus. Familiarize yourself with their locations.
If for some reason you feel unsafe walking to and from your vehicle, call the RVC Police at (815) 921-4357 and ask for an officer to accompany you.
Help the Rock Valley College Police Department keep our campus safe by doing the following:
Immediately report suspicious activity to RVC police by calling 9-1-1.
How to report:
- Describe what is going on.
- Where is the activity happening?
- What is happening or being said?
- Describe the person acting suspicious or committing the crime. If the suspect is using a vehicle, give the car description and license number as well as direction of travel.
Stay on the phone with the dispatcher until the police arrive. If you believe your life is in danger, attempt to leave the area and find a safe place until help arrives. Do NOT approach or attempt to apprehend the person(s) involved.
About Severe Weather in our Area: Among the more common forms of severe weather in our area are thunderstorms, hail, and tornadoes.
Emergency Signals:
- RVC emergency warning sirens will be sounded after a tornado warning has been issued. A tornado warning means that a funnel cloud or tornado has been spotted.
- RVC video monitors will automatically display a tornado warning screen and broadcast the national Weather Service message.
- Wait until the storm passes and "All Clear" message is issued (you will not be dismissed from class during a tornado warning).
- Monitor local TV and radio stations for updated weather information and college closing announcements.
How to Respond: The safest place to be during any storm is inside a secure structure. Most injuries occur as a result of broken glass and flying debris. With that, here are some safety tips:
- All RVC buildings have tornado signs posted, advising of safe shelters located on campus.
- Follow room instructions and move to a safe place away from windows.
- Avoid rooms with large roof spans such as the PEC or theaters.
- Seek hallways or rooms without windows. If time allows, move to a lower building level.
- DO NOT use elevators.
- You will not be dismissed from class during a tornado warning. Wait until the storm passes and the “All Clear” message is issued.