Advanced Placement Exams

About AP Exams

Through College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Exams, you have the opportunity to earn credit or advanced standing at most of the nation's colleges and universities, including Rock Valley College. With 37 courses and exams across 22 subject areas, AP offers students you the opportunity to:

  • Broaden your Intellectual horizons by studying subjects in greater depth
  • Gain an edge in college preparation by completing college-level coursework
  • Stand out in the college admissions process and increase your eligibility for scholar awards
  • Save tuition dollars by taking and passing AP examinations


High School Students: Talk to your guidance counselor, to see if AP courses are right for you. If your high school doesn't offer AP, or if you are a home-schooled student, you can still participate and take AP exams as long as you have covered the same course material. Each year hundreds of students participate in AP through independent study and some states even sponsor online AP courses.

Determine Placement with AP Credit

You can submit your Advanced Placement (AP) transcripts to the Records & Registration office on the second floor of the Student Center to meet the Rock Valley College placement requirements.


Contact Us

  • Testing Center
  • (815) 921-2385
  • RVC Main Campus
    Student Center, Ground Floor
  • Walk-In Placement Testing:
    Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
    No appointment needed.
  • Call or email for other testing availability. A valid, physical government or school-issued photo ID is required for all testing; photocopies or digital versions are not accepted.